Raw Vegan Cheesecake (my new love)


I have neglected my poor, little blog for a lot longer than expected. I have so much admiration for those of you who keep up with regular posts, I really need to take a leaf out your book (I mean, blog!). I am determined to keep up with this, despite me not posting overly regularly so lets try again (for the nth time I tell myself the exact same thing!)

Anyway, yet another update on my health, I am most certainly on the road to recovery! I am feeling so much better than I have been feeling for months and, although not yet 100%, I know that eventually I will be there and healthier than I ever have been! The past few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions. I’ve had my low points but I’ve been given some incredible opportunities that I am so grateful for.

Moving on to what really motivated to rediscover ‘The Sassy Perspective’ was this bad boy:

*cue mouth water*
*cue mouth water*

This was absolutelyamazinglywonderfullybeautifullyFANTASTIC! …even if I do say so myself.

After trying a raw vegan chessecake (don’t judge before you’ve tried it) a couple of months back in Falmouth, it was my mission to somehow recreate it as best as I could. After a lot of searching recipes, I amalgamated my favourites and created my own and I think it turned out pretty well. You can make it with any berries you like, I can promise you strawberries or raspberries are very tasty but I’m pretty sure any soft fruit will taste fab in this recipe.

It’s super simple to make and the only bit you need to prep ahead of time is soaking the cashews overnight so let’s go!


For the base layer

  • 1 cup of dates
  • 1 cup of nuts (I used walnuts but a combination of any would be delicious too)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon (more like 1 tsp if you’re anything like me about this spice)
  • A good pinch of salt

For the top layers

  • 2 cups of cashew nuts soaked overnight and drained
  • Juice of one medium lemon
  • Around 1/4 cup maple syrup/honey (could use more or less depending on your preference)
  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1 can of coconut milk (use the cream at the top of the can, not the water)
  • 1 whole vanilla bean (split pod and scrape out the seeds)
  • Around 1 cup of berries (your choice!)


  1. Line a loaf tin or a smallish, round, spring-form cake tin with baking paper
  2. In a strong food processor pulse the nuts a couple of times just so they break down into large crumbs. Next, add in the dates, cinnamon and salt to the nuts and combine until everything starts to come together. Then place the mixture into the base of the tin and press down.
  3. Place the cashews in the food processor and blitz for a couple of minutes until they form a smoothish paste when pressed together. If you’re lazy like me then don’t worry about ensuring the food processor is completely clean after using it to make the base layer – it all tastes good!
  4. After the cashews are broken down slowly pour in the lemon juice, maple syrup, coconut milk and coconut oil whilst the food processor in on and carry on mixing for another few minutes. (Keep scraping down the sides every now and again to ensure everything is incorporated.)
  5. Then add the seeds from the vanilla pod and pulse until all mixed thoroughly.
  6. Pour out two thirds of the mixture onto the base and place in the freezer to set up.
  7. Now add the berries into the remaining third of the mixture and blend until smooth. Add this to the top of the cheesecake and place back into the freezer to fully set. (I waited around 30mins/1 hour until I added the final layer in order to give time for the middle layer to fully set.)
  8. Once the cheesecake is set just take it out of the freezer and serve up with fresh berries and a cup of tea or just on its own. Delicious!

– You can store the cheesecake in the fridge for up to week and I’m pretty sure it tastes better every time I try some!

Me, trying to be ‘artsy’
…and again

And that’s it! A healthier version on the typical cheesecake but it tastes a whole load better. I promise. So go try some!


Love Sassy xxx

4 thoughts on “Raw Vegan Cheesecake (my new love)

    1. A definite yes to this recipe then! Let me know how it goes 🙂 Thank you so much, I look forward to reading your blog – looks lovely 🙂

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